Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Black Friday? Boxing Day?

The States has Black Friday which is exactly the same thing as Boxing day in Canada except its after Thanksgiving and Boxing day is after Christmas. A lot of people don't step foot out of their houses on these days.. Me on the other hand, I am up at dawn! I absolutely love love love Boxing day (Since I live in Canada) I started Boxing day shopping about 3-4 years ago. Now I have to go every year.. I even look more forward to this day then Christmas! Shh.... But seriously, if you have never been out on either of these days I suggest you go and try it for yourself then decide if its for you or not. The deals are just amazing, for instance every year they have 50% off store wide (Everything) in one of my fave stores, Joshua Perets. Bath & Body works has sales depending on how much stock they have left over from Christmas & Summer that they need to get rid of. Prices vary anywhere from 25%-90% off. Nuts I know! And last but not least, Lush! Also depending on how much they have left from Christmas its usually buy one get one free! But I heard a rumor that a couple of years ago it was buy one get two free, I really hope its like that this year! I guess what I am trying to say is that the sales are super good on either of these days and completely worth the hassle of a packed mall!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Homemade Lip Scrub

Since fall is in full force, and winter is close by my skin is so dry!! Especially my lips! I was doing some research online today for a homemade lip scrub, because I really don't find it necessary to spend ten dollars on a lip scrub when I have all the ingredients in my own kitchen to make my own (And it is 100% natural and there are no chemicals). I found a recipe online and I tweaked it just a tad. What you need is olive oil & sugar. I added a pinch of coarse sea salt but if you want you can just use olive oil and sugar it works just fine! Take about one tablespoon of sugar and put it into a small container, add in a couple of drips of olive oil until it makes a thick paste. Apply onto your lips and scrub away! Whats great is this can also be used as a full body exfoliate, but I don't recommend using it on your face, too oily!