Sunday, October 21, 2012

Crazy Cat Lady

I am THE crazy cat lady. Without a doubt. I love my cats. I have three cats at my moms house and four cats at my dads house. They all mean the world too me. I share my love with each and every one of them. The best thing is that six out of the seven cats are all strays. So each and every one of my cats have a story. Two of them are brother and sister. We found a litter of six cats underneath a lawn mower when I was twelve years old. Just like me my parents love animals and we decided we had to save them. So we brought all six home and took care of them until they were old enough to separate and get homes of their own. We gave away four and decided to keep two. My dad also has another cat that we saved a couple of years ago from a pack of dogs in my aunts back yard. That was scary! I felt so bad for her she was so terrified, but we finally got her to come to us. The last cat at my dads house we picked out at a pet shop. I swore that I would never do this because I highly recommend going to a shelter to adopt pets or take in a stray. But when we went in that pet shot and those big brown eyes were staring at as looking so sad we really had no choice but to take him home .. (Told you crazy cat lady.) At my moms house we have one from an ex co-worker of mine. Her cat had kittens, and I had to! I also have a girl that my friend gave me for my sixteenth birthday, and a baby boy who only just turned one year a couple of months ago! I love them with all my heart!

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