Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Studying Tips That I Find Helpful

I love watching peoples videos on YouTube about anything school related, or reading peoples blogs about anything school related. I decided that I would share my tips and what I find helpful when studying and doing school work. I usually start off with a huge caffeinated drink (For that great boost of energy.)

First things first, stay ORGANIZED! There is nothing more crappy then studying when everything is disorganized for example; papers, books, desk, or even your study area. So a good idea is to try and keep all your school papers organized according to class or subject. I like to put all my loose papers in a folder that is labeled example; Math, Science, English. I am taking courses online so I have to print everything out. I always have many papers to sort through so this tip is very helpful for me.

Second thing to do is when taking notes, use a different notebook per class/course. Also take your notes down with different color pens for stuff that is important and you might need to find quickly in the future. Or if you prefer you can high-light the stuff that is more important for easy find.

Third thing is get an agenda! I don't actually go to school but I still like to keep an agenda to keep track of assignments, exams, dates, work, etc. I find it very helpful to learn when I am completely organized!

Post it notes! I have post its everywhere! They are the best way to keep things in order and remind yourself of things that you might forget.

And those are my studying/Organizational school tips!

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