Thursday, December 13, 2012

My 4 Day Get Away To The USA!

Hello! I am blogging from a gorgeous lodge motel in Rutland, Vermont. My dad and I arrived in Burlington, Vermont yesterday around noon. We shopped and stayed in a motel there last night. We woke up early this morning and came to Rutland, took about one hour from Burlington. We shopped today some more and now I am completely beat! I can't believe how gorgeous it is up here, the air is so fresh and the mountains are beautiful. I spent way too much money but at least all my Christmas shopping is done right? Tomorrow we are off to Plattsburgh, New York for guess what? More shopping! Then we are either staying there over night or driving home! I am having an absolute blast just what I need before these next few hectic months.. You'll see why!

PS: Happy Birthday Daddy!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Tea Bag Burn Healer?

Saturday night I went to my aunts to make holiday decorations. We were using the hot glue gun and yes you guessed it I burnt myself. But this time was different, I burnt myself VERY badly. It was so bad that I got a huge bubble by the next day. I was told that I should somehow get rid of the bubble so it can deflate and then it would dry and heal. WRONG! I popped the bubble and by the next day I was in excruciating pain. I woke up in the middle of the night crying because I rolled on my finger! It was horrible.. My mom was reading up on the internet and heard that a green tea bag soaked in ice water was a good natural cure for burns. Lately I have been trying to heal everything naturally (at home). So obviously when I heard that a green tea bag could possibly help I decided to try it right away. I filled up a glass with cold water and added 2 ice cubes. I popped in the tea bag and let it sit for about 5 minutes. I took it out and placed it on my finger for about 30 minutes. Let me tell you, the coldness of the bag was sooo soothing and by the next day I noticed the swelling went down and it didn't look infected anymore! I recommend this home remedy for anyone with a minor small burn. 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Black Friday? Boxing Day?

The States has Black Friday which is exactly the same thing as Boxing day in Canada except its after Thanksgiving and Boxing day is after Christmas. A lot of people don't step foot out of their houses on these days.. Me on the other hand, I am up at dawn! I absolutely love love love Boxing day (Since I live in Canada) I started Boxing day shopping about 3-4 years ago. Now I have to go every year.. I even look more forward to this day then Christmas! Shh.... But seriously, if you have never been out on either of these days I suggest you go and try it for yourself then decide if its for you or not. The deals are just amazing, for instance every year they have 50% off store wide (Everything) in one of my fave stores, Joshua Perets. Bath & Body works has sales depending on how much stock they have left over from Christmas & Summer that they need to get rid of. Prices vary anywhere from 25%-90% off. Nuts I know! And last but not least, Lush! Also depending on how much they have left from Christmas its usually buy one get one free! But I heard a rumor that a couple of years ago it was buy one get two free, I really hope its like that this year! I guess what I am trying to say is that the sales are super good on either of these days and completely worth the hassle of a packed mall!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Homemade Lip Scrub

Since fall is in full force, and winter is close by my skin is so dry!! Especially my lips! I was doing some research online today for a homemade lip scrub, because I really don't find it necessary to spend ten dollars on a lip scrub when I have all the ingredients in my own kitchen to make my own (And it is 100% natural and there are no chemicals). I found a recipe online and I tweaked it just a tad. What you need is olive oil & sugar. I added a pinch of coarse sea salt but if you want you can just use olive oil and sugar it works just fine! Take about one tablespoon of sugar and put it into a small container, add in a couple of drips of olive oil until it makes a thick paste. Apply onto your lips and scrub away! Whats great is this can also be used as a full body exfoliate, but I don't recommend using it on your face, too oily!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Wishing everyone a Happy Halloween! Have fun & Be safe doing whatever it is your doing tonight!

Monday, October 29, 2012

I Love Fall

I know this is a YouTube tag, but I am stealing it anyways and making it into blog-form! So there is ten questions all about fall (My favorite season, so I had to do it.)

1. Favorite Fall Lip Product?
My favorite fall lip product has to be EOS Honeysuckle Honey Dew. Not just for fall though, I have been using this lip product ever since I bought it a couple of months ago.

2. Favorite Fall Nail Polish?
My favorite fall nail polish for fall is Sally Hansen Pat On The Black. It is a deep dark black with a touch of red in it. I have been wearing this for the whole month of October and definitely intend on using it throughout the winter.

3. Favorite Starbucks Fall Drink?
My favorite Starbucks fall drink is without a doubt the Salted Caramel Mocha. I had it for the first time a couple of weeks ago and I am in love! If you haven't tried one yet I recommend you go and try it!

4. Favorite Fall Candle?
It is still that darn Frosted Cupcake .. I can't get enough of it, ugh! I just bought about five different mini candles from Bath & Body Works to try out and see which one I liked so I could buy it in the large three wick candle. They are all great but I still love the Frosted Cupcake!

5. Favorite Fall Scarf Or Accessory?
My Owl necklace that I picked up from Forever 21.

6. Haunted House, Haunted Hay Ride, Or Haunted Corn Maze?
Haunted House!!

7. Favorite Halloween Movie?
This might be cheesy, but It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown is my favorite Halloween movie! I love all Charlie Brown movies, especially the Christmas ones!

8. Favorite Candy To Eat On Halloween?
Reese Peanut butter cups!

9. What Are You Dressing Up As For Halloween?
Obviously I still don't trick or treat anymore lol.. This year I am having a Halloween party and it is this Friday. Most people already had their Halloween parties this past weekend, which is exactly why I made mine this weekend, so everyone can come and not have to choose what party to attend! So back to the question.. I ordered my costume online and I am being a boxer! (No not the dog.. A fighter!) Come back for some pictures this weekend of my party!

10. What Is Your Favorite Thing About Fall?
The trees losing their leaves, all the pretty colors, and the crisp cool air!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Lush Haul

I go to Lush way too often to make a haul every time. BUT this time was too good because I picked up some holiday goodies and really wanted to share. I purchased six things this time. The first thing I got was the soaps, one of them is new for the holidays and it is called North Pole. It is a deliciously smelling soap. To me it smells just like peppermint. The soap comes in white or pink, of course I had to get pink, right? The second soap I picked up is a pretty popular one Honey I washed the kids. I heard that this is the solid soap form of Its raining men which I picked up the last time I was in Lush to try and I am in love with it, so I decided to pick up the actual bar of soap. If it's anything like the shower gel its raining men, then I'm excited!! It smells just like a jar of honey. The shower gel that I picked up this time is Snow Fairy, I heard a lot about this shower gel on YouTube and figured I had to try it because of the way people raved about it. I can't really define the smell of it, but I have used it once so far and I am really liking it! The next thing I bought I got as a sample last time I was in Lush. I had to go back and buy the large size because it works wonders. I did a blog post about it and how amazing it is here. It is the Lemony Flutter nail/cuticle cream. I picked up two bath bombs (Surprising how I managed to walk out with ONLY two I don't know..) The first one is out for Halloween, and since I am in such the Halloween spirit this year I decided to get one. It is The Enchanter. I have not yet tried this, but I am really looking forward to it! The second bath bomb I got is the Butterball which is an item I've re-purchased many times. I love it! Its so creamy and relaxing and it makes my skin super soft! If you haven't tried Lush products I highly recommend you get to a Lush store near you!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Homemade Pasta

Today I made a batch of homemade pasta. With this recipe and a pasta machine you can make pretty much any pasta dish. Today I decided to make linguine. 

1) First step is to make your pasta. A piece this size serves four people. 

4 Cups of Flour
8 Eggs
1/4 Cup of Water

2) Mix flour and eggs together (For best results use an electric mixer)
add 1 egg at a time

3) Mix for 5 minutes or until all combined. If it is too sticky add extra flour. If it is too dry add the water

4) Remove from mixer and knead until you have a ball similar to the one below. DO NOT over knead.

5) Lightly coat dough in flour

6) Place ball of dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 4 hours.

Remove the ball of dough and cut into chunks. I cut this ball into about 6 chunks. Then start to put it through the pasta machine.

My pasta machine is called the "Pasta Queen." You can pick up one of these at any local cooking store. They even have an attachment for the Kitchen Aid mixer which is on my wish list! 

Start by putting the chunks in the smooth side starting at number 1 which is the largest opening, working your way down to number 6. I don't use number 7 because I find it makes the pasta too thin and It is much harder to work with.

Then put the pasta that you flattened in the rigid side so it comes out like this.

I hope I explained this well enough for everybody. I really enjoy making this fresh pasta because there is no sugar and I know every single ingredient in it. Plus it just tastes so much better! I hope everyone makes this, enjoy!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Crazy Cat Lady

I am THE crazy cat lady. Without a doubt. I love my cats. I have three cats at my moms house and four cats at my dads house. They all mean the world too me. I share my love with each and every one of them. The best thing is that six out of the seven cats are all strays. So each and every one of my cats have a story. Two of them are brother and sister. We found a litter of six cats underneath a lawn mower when I was twelve years old. Just like me my parents love animals and we decided we had to save them. So we brought all six home and took care of them until they were old enough to separate and get homes of their own. We gave away four and decided to keep two. My dad also has another cat that we saved a couple of years ago from a pack of dogs in my aunts back yard. That was scary! I felt so bad for her she was so terrified, but we finally got her to come to us. The last cat at my dads house we picked out at a pet shop. I swore that I would never do this because I highly recommend going to a shelter to adopt pets or take in a stray. But when we went in that pet shot and those big brown eyes were staring at as looking so sad we really had no choice but to take him home .. (Told you crazy cat lady.) At my moms house we have one from an ex co-worker of mine. Her cat had kittens, and I had to! I also have a girl that my friend gave me for my sixteenth birthday, and a baby boy who only just turned one year a couple of months ago! I love them with all my heart!

Book Haul

Today I was shopping online at Chapters and I purchased five new books. The reason I shop online for my books is because they have tons on clearance and tons of "bargain books" which they don't have many of in store. Don't get me wrong I love going in Chapters and browsing through all their stuff. I also get an extra 5% off when I shop online, and free shipping if you spend over $25 (Which is not hard to do at all.) Here are the books that I purchased today:

The other Girl - Sarah Miller

Gimme A Call - Sarah Mlynowski

Moonglass - Jessi Kirby

Evercrossed - Elizabeth Chandler

And here is a silly one .. but I had to have it.
Good Cats Bad Habits

.. And that is it for my book haul. Those are the five books I purchased. I will do a book review on every book as soon as I am done reading each one. I am so excited to receive these in the mail! Happy reading everybody!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Lemony Flutter Lush Product

Hello! So yesterday I went shopping for some fall things. I picked up some great stuff from Lush Cosmetics. Lush is my favorite body care store. I love how all their stuff is NOT tested on animal, which is a very big deal for me. Also, all of their products are made from all natural ingredients.

I have already purchased too much when the sales associate showed me their product "Lemony Flutter" so I did not purchase it. Instead she gave me a very generous sample. I took it home and have already used it 3 times today. I am absolutely obsessed with it! What it is, is a thick cream to help heal your dry cracked skin and nourish your nails. It smells so fresh and clean, exactly like lemon zest. I will definitely be going back to Lush to pick up the full size of this product.

This is the description on the Lush website of the Lemony Flutter. (They probably explain it better then me.)

"We made Lemony Flutter to soften your dry, cracked cuticles and nourish your nails; it’s our thickest, zestiest cream yet. In fact, it’s so good as softening you up our customers have been using it on other rough body parts, like feet, elbows, and knees too. Fresh lemons are put into an infusion and lovingly blended in our rich butter base to brighten skin and lighten nails. Each batch contains twenty-two pounds of beeswax and cold-pressed avocado oil to moisturize and soften your skin. There are so many nutritious butters and oils in each pot, it’s no wonder that such a little amount can go such a long way."

Saturday, October 13, 2012

"The Walk" To End All Woman's Cancers

Hello everyone! So I decided to do something really special the other day. I decided to join The Walk and start raising money to end all woman's cancers. My goal is to raise $3000.00 by next August. So far I am asking my local businesses for help and they have been extremely generous. I will link my personal site below so you can check out my progress and donate if you wish! Thank you so much for your support since this is very new to me!

"The Walk" To End All Woman's Cancers

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Studying Tips That I Find Helpful

I love watching peoples videos on YouTube about anything school related, or reading peoples blogs about anything school related. I decided that I would share my tips and what I find helpful when studying and doing school work. I usually start off with a huge caffeinated drink (For that great boost of energy.)

First things first, stay ORGANIZED! There is nothing more crappy then studying when everything is disorganized for example; papers, books, desk, or even your study area. So a good idea is to try and keep all your school papers organized according to class or subject. I like to put all my loose papers in a folder that is labeled example; Math, Science, English. I am taking courses online so I have to print everything out. I always have many papers to sort through so this tip is very helpful for me.

Second thing to do is when taking notes, use a different notebook per class/course. Also take your notes down with different color pens for stuff that is important and you might need to find quickly in the future. Or if you prefer you can high-light the stuff that is more important for easy find.

Third thing is get an agenda! I don't actually go to school but I still like to keep an agenda to keep track of assignments, exams, dates, work, etc. I find it very helpful to learn when I am completely organized!

Post it notes! I have post its everywhere! They are the best way to keep things in order and remind yourself of things that you might forget.

And those are my studying/Organizational school tips!


Halloween is coming soon! I'm so excited because yesterday I received my costume in the mail. This was the first year that I ordered a costume online. Usually I go to my local Halloween depot and buy from there. But this year I came across a great website which had the exact same costumes as in store but for half the price! That also includes shipping. The prices of costumes are ridiculous! I was in Halloween depot with my mom last week and the prices all run from 50$-100$ and more. I'm sorry but I can't bring myself to pay that much for a costume. So when my costume came in yesterday I tried it on right away and it fits perfectly I was so happy! I'm not going to say what I am being just yet because I plan on posting tons of pics the day after! If your interested in the site check it out, I linked it down below. Have a good day!

Halloween Costumes Website

Monday, October 8, 2012

Autumn Is Definitely Here!

Brrrrr, where I live it is soo cold. We even had frost last night! Very un-pleasant. Don't get my wrong I love autumn but I don't like the cold. Yay look on the bright side Halloween is only 23 days away! Have a good Thanksgiving, and day off my Canadian friends!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Just got home from my grandmothers house! What a great Thanksgiving dinner she made, I am stuffed!! Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and say that I am thankful for such great family & Friends! Have a good long weekend everybody.

Friday, October 5, 2012

All You Can Eat Sushi?

So, Today I went to Kanda Sushi with my mom for lunch. This place is so unbelievably good. The first time we went we needed a bit of help on how to order. Every table has a sheet, and with that sheet it has all the items you can pick. Some items come in two so if you put a one next to it then you will get two of that item. But keep in mind if you put a two next to it you will get four of that item. So you do have to be careful because if you leave any pieces un-eaten you get charged one dollar each. They also have a good restaurant part of the menu which has about ten items you can choose that are Chinese, for example, general tao chicken, udon noodles, Japanese dumplings. I have tried a lot of sushi restaurants (It's one of my favorite foods) but this has to be my favorite one! The sushi is made as you order it and its always one hundred percent fresh! Absolutely great day!

Jersey Shore Final Season Premiere

Jersey shore final season premiere started tonight at ten pm. I just finished watching the two hour special. All I can say is wow! And go watch it! Honestly I'm not going to lie, but I have no idea how this show even made it to the sixth season! I must admit I do love them though!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Bath & Body Works Candles!

Where should I begin? I love love love candles, but there is something about those Bath & Body works candles that drive me crazy.. I always have about five to ten stashed away on any given day. Every season they come out with different scents. For example; Summer is more of a floral, fresh smelling candle, and fall is baked goods type candles. I recently went into a Bath & Body works store and they were having a great sale. Usually their candles are twenty two ninety five for one of the large ones (regular price). Sometimes they have them on sale for two for thirty dollars. But when I went in they had all their summer scents on clearance so I got three candles for only twenty five dollars! Your telling me! I was going crazy. It was great. So I purchased three because they only had a limited amount of choices and I only liked one. They didn't have many choices I guess since it was clearance and I got there pretty late. I got myself two candles of my absolute favorite scent, Frosted Cupcake. This scent smells exactly like vanilla frosting, its awesome! Then I got one for my dad, seaside escape I believe it was. I have only been shopping there for about a year now. One thing I did learn now, which is the best, is to sign up for their e-mail updates and find out when all their specials are. Because when they have sales, they are un-beatable!